Plastic production is growing world-wide (322 Million tons in 2015, expected to double by 2035). Plastic waste is a growing problem everywhere.
In developing countries plastic ends up in nature, or on landfills in the best cases. In industrial countries, plastic is collected, but recycling is often not economically viable. Thus, plastic waste used to be sent to China until the 2019 plastic import ban. This ban has changed the economics of plastic sorting: sorting line operators now must pay large amounts of money to get rid of their plastics. Most plastic is used for packaging. HDPE, LDPE, and PP account for almost 50% of all plastic.

Among the many failures and projects that have not gone beyond the piloting phase, Greenovate has identified a commercially mature plastic-to-petrol technology that converts a mix of the world’s most used plastics into a fuel that replaces petroleum derivates. The technology is based on catalytic thermal degradation of polymers during which plastic polymer decomposition occurs without access to oxygen. It transforms problematic plastic waste into useful fuels that can power generators or diesel engines.

Greenovate Ltd. is authorised to promote the innovative Plastic-to-Petrol technology. Get in touch to ask for an offer, come to visit the reference plants and request your individual feasibility study. Our experts are ready to help you.