Our Services

Our Services

Greenovate Ltd. is a private consultancy. Our mission is to provide environment and climate-friendly solutions to the problems caused by today’s resource use.

We support public and private entities in the identification of concepts and the best suitable technologies for their particular local needs. We offer strategic support to project implementation, to the development of tailor-made approaches for different countries and climate zones, technical advice, environmental impact assessment, business plan development and financial engineering. In selected cases we are also taking participations in projects or broker access to finace.

Geenovate proposes the following set of services:

  • Technology brokerage,
  • Feasibility and techno-economic studies,
  • Waste management strategy formulation/ conceptualisation,
  • Team building and support services for tender preparation,
  • Project planning and coordination.

Greenovate is active in these areas of activity:

  • Waste treatment for mixed waste and separate streams,
  • RDF preparation,
  • RDF and wood gasification,
  • Plasma gasification to hydrogen
  • Landfill rehabilitation
  • Plastic-to-petrol
  • Photovoltaics
  • Electric buses

OUR CLIENTS: We serve those who wish to study and develop performing waste management projects in Europe and world-wide. We work both with the public sector (municipalities, regions, Ministries, public banks) and the private sector (waste collection, operators, investors, consultants).

OUR PARTNERS are EU-based technology providers who are at the forefront of innovation in their area, ensuring highest process efficiency within tried and tested systems.

OUR SOLUTIONS are a combination of the needs of our clients and the innovative technologies of our partners.